Wednesday, September 19, 2007

God has Certain Orders, Certain Choices and Certain Desires

As long as God's people honor His certain ways we are blessed and we are kept by His power. To do our own thing for God is not acceptable.To learn His desires and act on them is pleasing to Him and can and will result in our happiness and joy in knowing we are doing His will.

1 Chronicles 13 in the Holy Bible tells us how King David of Israel was attempting to retrieve the ark of God.(Not Noah's Ark) David was not using God's rules to move it and as a result a man dies. The Ark of the Covenant is left untouched for 3 months before David finds out how he was supposed to do it. In the following chapters 15 and 16 Israel uses God's method and God's choice of people to do the job. All is well.

In chapter 17 David wants God to be in a house like the palace but God says no as He has dwelt in tents for several generations now and prefers it. His choice it is. Then God decides that one of David's sons will build God's House later so David starts to gather building material for that time to come.

Why shouldn't our Father in Heaven have preferences? How is it that we suffer consequences when we fail to ask His opinion or desire?Who is this King that accepts only His will to be done? God, the real true and living God. Recently I read a strange article in a news page online that was today actually and I wondered at such stupidity.

Wed Sept 19, 11:32 AM
WASHINGTON (AFP) - A court in Nebraska is being asked to cast judgment on the ultimate judge -- God. ADVERTISEMENT

State lawmaker Ernie Chambers filed a lawsuit Friday against the Almighty -- acknowledging he/she goes by numerous aliases -- for causing "fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues" and other alliterative catastrophes.

The suit, Chambers vs God, asks the court for a "permanent injunction ordering defendant (God) to cease certain harmful activities and the making of terrorist threats" which affect innumerable persons, including Chambers's constituents.

It asserts that God is "the admitted perpetrator" of such acts and said that God's omnipresence gives the local Douglas County District Court jurisdiction in the suit, adding that God's omniscience eliminates the need to issue a formal notice of the lawsuit.

Chambers told local media he filed the suit to make a point about frivolous lawsuits frequently seen in US courts, citing a recent one against a judge.
He asked the court to award him an unspecified summary judgment against God, or, in the alternative, issue a permanent injunction against God engaging in the damaging acts cited in the filing.
Neither God nor his/her spokespersons could be contacted for comment. (end of article)

We can praise and bless His Name and exalt Him above all else.We can enjoin others in a corporate praise and worship. That is His will and way and plan and complete desire. How dare we try any other way but His. Our own ways lead to death. We must find out what our Lord God Almighty desires and just do it. His will, His way, His plan.

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