If You can Believe Jesus Christ
To work for anything or anyone else but Jesus Christ is unprofitable. Food and clothing and shelter can be provided by the Lord who is the Great Provider if you can believe Him. Jesus requires all our time and effort to get His message out. He will take care of all our needs as He depicts in John 6 of His Word. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?language1=en &version1=9&search=John+6
In verse 2 the multitude came to Him to see miracles of healing. Jesus showed them the miracle of feeding 5,000 people with 1 serving of fish and bread from a child. In verse 26 the people caught up to Jesus on the other side of the Lake and He said that they had come to Him now because He had fed them miraculously.
He encouraged them to labour with Him and work the works of God believing on Jesus as God's Son. Why do we not get it? We lack faith in Jesus. Trusting God for all our needs is not laziness. Work His works,signs,wonders and miracles.
Opportunity is all around us and Father can draw whoever He will as Jesus states in verse 44. Are we willing to believe that Jesus is the Christ and His work is to do the will of the Father God in Heaven through us like Billy Smith and his wife of Texas do? Evangelists who work the miracles, signs and wonders see the sweet provision of the Lord of the Harvest. We can too!
Dona Hatherley creates roads to wellness in all areas of life by pointing out ways and means as well as the expectations you can have from God's viewpoint. http://newfreshcreatedjustforyou.blogspot.com/
Labels: Jesus's work doing Father's will, labour, miracles, Opportunity, provision, signs, wonders
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