Life After Death
Man wonders about life after death and usually basis their belief on experiences of their own or someone else's that is close to them. Does this mystery captivate you betimes? Perhaps I can help to clear up the nagging question in your soul.
In the Holy Bible , King James version, is one recording of the answer in 1 Corinthians 15: 35-58. In verse 51 Paul calls it a mystery.
Some will ask. How are the dead raised up? With what body do they come?
All flesh is not the same flesh? Man ,beast, fish, and birds, celestial, terrestrial,sun moon and stars are all different. Resurrection is a different matter also. Living again in a different way, in a different body, that is spiritual instead of natural. Being heavenly instead of earthly is resurrection.
Jesus Christ along with many others at that time had died and been resurrected in bodies unlike the natural earthly ones we are accustomed to. In these glorified bodies they could go through locked doors and suddenly appear and disappear. Still they could be touched and eat food and drink. Jesus floated upward out of sight when He left the earth. He is supposed to come again in the same way according to the angels present there at that time. Acts 1:9-11
Jesus raised several people from the dead, Lazarus being the one buried for four days. It is not recorded that any of these ones had the heavenly body but returned to their former state, only healed. My sister Geraldine was brought back to life by a hospital team in Elliot Lake. Her experience was peaceful as far as the time out of her present body. She found herself in a waiting room being asked by Jesus if she wanted to continue on to Heaven or return to earth. She replied that she had two young children and so should go back to them. She returned to her bruised body as the work to revive her was strenuous.
Resurrection involves a changed body that becomes incorruptible, glorious, powerful and spiritual. Immortality is awaiting the human body,soul and spirit because it is the will of God for the human race. Where each of us goes in these new bodies is also decided by God at the white throne judgment.
I dreamed once that I was at the top of a set of stairs that are not normally seen in my mother's kitchen. I was waiting there with a room full of people saying where is she? It is after nine o'clock. I called to her and she came out of her room looking radiant and happy. She flowed up the stairs in a lovely white dress right past me into the arms of a large man similar to my father who went on to be with Jesus in 1980. Over his shoulder she was waving to an old friend that had also gone on home to glory earlier. At present my mom is ninety-one and a half. Am I to go ahead of her ?
This kind of dream is in keeping with the Christian belief that if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved and death will have no power over us. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8
The Kenyans are going through some terrible tribal conflicts right now and christians are targeted and losing their lives for Christ. They are now in His presence, their KING, their GOD, their MASTER, their SAVIOR. and they are hearing "Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter in to the Joy of your Lord"!!!
Labels: appear, disappear, earthly, floating, glorified bodies, heavenly, immortality, Joy of the Lord., life after death, mystery, peaceful, present with the Lord, resurrection
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