Jesus IS Coming anytime now.
At the last trump His appearance is expected. The dead in Christ shall rise and us who are waiting and watching for His appearing will be gathered up to meet our Lord Jesus in the air. How about Friday(eastern time) at that last trump in Israel? Are we ready? Do you have other plans for that day?
Will the sweet Holy Spirit urge us that morning to spend the day with Him? Will Father God speak rapture into our souls at that particular moment? Will we seemingly know for sure with a deep,deep certainty that the time of our redemption is now?
Will we be occupied with heavenly things and endeavors? Is there an ingathering happening in our families that we are not aware of?
What dreams and visions are the prophets in our time seeing? Is there any indications on the horizon? Has the Lord spoken into our hearts of His returning for us? Listen to His heart. What are you hearing? There is an excitement growing in me to expect Him..
Stuff happens to draw folks to certain places at certain times for certain happenings.
Recently all but 2 of my children and their children have literally moved in to our home. What is being said here Lord? Each day that we get closer to that last trump in Israel I get more elated with the possibility.
So I say `Come quickly Lord Jesus.'
Labels: come quickly, Holy Spirit, Israel, last trump, Lord Jesus, rapture