Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Changing Times

 Changing Times changes people directly and indirectly. Our world is being turned upside down in as short as two years.For some of us it has been drastic and we feel so out of control when we hear news,fake news and prophetic news of our tomorrows. How do we face each challenge and stay sane?

One day at a time fits. Too many changes at once confuse everyone. Decisions are made too quickly. We need the Lord's wisdom. Time is running out for the elderly, sickly and depressed. So many people to help and give good direction to. Prayer changes things for those who will pray. Faith pleases the Lord God Almighty. Faith in His Name, Authority,Power, and His Presence. There is no other answer for me ,for mine. We trust the great Jehovah Lord our creator. So far He has brought us all through the pandemic that created communist laws in our land and ruined many businesses. God is faithful!

Some of our loved ones have passed on into eternity and we miss them truly. But we must carry on with them applauding us. Surely the Lord will help us to overcome all the messes in this world and victory will be sweetly provided for us from Him. His Son Jesus is seated on the throne beside the Father helping us with words of love and mercy and grace. We focus on His goodness! We live lives of gratitude for each and every breath we take. How wondrous is His care for all his people.

One day  we will see what it was all about after our earth time is over. Understanding is limited now and our trust in Him is growing. Changing times can sometimes cause us to change for the good eternally.


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