Vengeance is Mine.
We ARE in perilous times.
Many of our brothers and sisters and their children are beneath the throne of God crying out for vengeance upon the wicked of this world. The Lord is comforting them as HE distributes white robes for them to put on.Our Lord promises a time will come for HIS vengeance to be poured out upon the earth.
So we wait. ISIS will know our LORD'S wrath sooner than they think. Islam is in HIS eyes i slam...Brought down and destroyed is their fate.
Rest assured God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit with Heaven's warring angels will certainly bring all prophecies to fulfillment.
Our loved ones who have gone on to Heaven even in times of peace will encourage the Lord of Glory, the Great I AM to hurry and come quickly to our rescue.So we wait but not forever.
Peril in every corner of the earth has taken it's toll on Israel and Christians and all who get in harms way.But still we sing 'Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on before.'
And further we believe that the battle is the Lord's, the Lord of Glory. The battle is the Lord's, the great I AM.
So don't you worry,just praise His name.He can get us through anything and everything to our eternal destiny.
Labels: christians, destiny, eternal destiny, I AM, Israel, perilous, throne of God, Vengeance, wait, wrath