God Draws Lines and Sets Limits
The greatest Architect, the most powerful limit maker, the best designer is God.His temple plans perfect, His rules for His House regulated by Him spell out man's place in the scheme and God's place as separate. In the book of Ezekiel of the Holy Bible chapters 42 to 44 explain a lot of what our Great God Jehovah designs, limits and plans for His space.
Did priests die who did not keep the rules? Yes! Did man ever lose sight of who's who in the zoo? Yes! Was there ever a time that rules were broken and mercy applied? Yes!
Even now God has places for His use and His rules apply. In our time the Lord of Glory reigns in areas of our lives. Thankfully mercy also has a part in some circumstances.
In Ezekiel the lines drawn produce squares.When we are square with one another it means that all debts are paid (or forgiven) on both sides of the relationship. When straight ways are followed there are no hidden agendas or unscrupulous dealings.
The sin of man is to not walk straight and not be square with God. We try to hide our self-seeking, adulterous ways but they are open and they are clear to our Lord.
To us blood produces stains but to God the blood means cleansing and purging and purifying. Jesus the Christ did all that with His blood and sprinkled the mercy seat in Heaven for us. Our soldiers give their lives' blood to cleanse the world of captivity and release love to their fellowman.
When we surrender ourselves spirit, soul and body to Jesus Christ and as Paul the Apostle says in Romans chapter 12 be living sacrifices as is a reasonable service , we are in fact being what the Lord desires. To be at the Lord's beck and call is to be that living sacrifice, wholly acceptable to God.
God has drawn lines for His people to operate on. Stay within the lines where Holy Spirit sets us and we do well. Outside the lines is spoiling the picture therefore messing up your life.The greatest architect knows limits are necessary and good. Limits produce the best design and keep order in the house.
Jesus Christ provided the pattern for eternal life. Following Him, doing exactly what He says when He says it will work the perfect pattern. Sweet!
Labels: architect, blood of Jesus, clear, designer, lines drawn, love, mercy, open, perfect pattern, plans, rules, square, straight, surrender
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