To My Readers
God richly bless you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. I think about you and how thankful I am to have seekers of the Lord Jesus coming to this blog .I really desire to do all that the Lord Jesus has planned for me to do on this blog. Some of you have been so kind as to email and encourage me to go on proclaiming the gospel this way and I deeply appreciate it. I am not able to respond to each of you separately so like Paul in the Bible I must write to you as to a church or gathering of like minded souls.
If you have any questions I would dearly love to help you find the truth about them. I can probably address them on this blog in order of the most asked first. I hope to see all of you in Heaven to worship and praise our Lord together and forever. In the meantime I have the kindest and most merciful thoughts toward you. Remember that the blessing of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow to it. Love you all in Jesus, Dona
Labels: readers.blessing
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